четверг, 27 января 2011 г.

Why I like Felting?

I sew a long time and I love to sew. But, despite a large selection of fabrics in the stores, I often went away without buying. I do not find what I want. With the felt is easy: I simply create a "fabric" what I want. I am very pleased with the process and results! But ... Felt that I did - it's thick and the heat felt. Now I want a thin felt. I decided to make a Nuno-Felt and I bought a silk, a lot of silk. But ... Silk white. It seemed boring and I decided to paint it.

First way:
This was my first experiment in Nuno-felting. When the first joy had passed, I realized that I had to make a fringe. Young bush vines liked my scarf.
I already wrote that I bought a lot of silk?
To be continued ...

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